Every Airport’s Wifi information is now available

Anil Polat has created a map with the wifi information for 231 airports across the globe including the passwords in Airline lounges within those airports. The map is regularly updated and is looking for accurate information on then latest developments. Click on an aeroplane symbol representing the airport you are visiting or search for it and up will pop all relevant wifi information. Very useful! Remember that you are operating on an unsecured network so guard your identity, privacy and data carefully!

Anil is a blogger and a computer security engineer who is on a journey to visit every country in the world. (My goal is 99 countries and I am up to 67!).  Thank you Anil.

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  1. Hi Zo. Thanks for a thought-provoking reaction. Suggest you address the author of the map and see what he says. You need to answer to your own conscience when using the map for a particular service. NB These are the passwords for the public wifis, not the administration. What do others think of Zo’s point?

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