The woman in front of me arrived at check in with two suitcases, two smaller carry-on style bags on wheels, a laptop bag and a handbag. On being told she would have to pay to get them all on board, there came a period of frantic repacking which resulted in one of the carry-ons being left behind. We got to watch the woman’s bags full contents as she packed and unpacked. I counted 15 pairs of shoes. If she has been away for the Christmas/New Year period, this means she had one pair of shoes for every day of her trip.
Excessive? Or had she been shopping?
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Occasionally I have had to take quite bulky/heavy shoes (e.g. when flying to Finland in Winter), so no matter what they look like, and regardless of weather at the point of departure, I never pack those shoes, I wear them. Probably saves me a good kilogram, and as I always travel in long pants (who doesn’t?)they can’t be seen anyway.