Continuing the theme of my recent reviews of Finnair and Finnish capital Helsinki, comes today’s story which caught my attention.
Finns are very proud of their Moomins, friendly trolls who live in the MoominValley. Moomins are happy go lucky warm hearted creatures who embrace adventures with gusto. They also face potentially ruinous situations with a positiveness and open ness that can be inspiring.
Which is one reason why it makes sense for the new Children’s Hospital in Helsinki to adopt a Moomin theme.
The New Children’s Hospital will have eight floors above ground, a basement, and a machine room on the roof. The hospital will have 12 operating theatres and room for 150 patients.
Each floor of the hospital has a theme linked to a Moomin story. The car park is an underwater world. Upper levels will have beach, jungle, forests, valleys, mountains, space, and stars themes. Lightning will reflect the water, stars and the Northern Lights.

Ocean themed Lift (Elevator)
The creative director of Moomin Characters Ltd., Tove Jansson’s niece Sophia Jansson said: “The happy and comforting endings of the Moomin stories provide hope and it’s great that this also plays an important role for the SARC Architects in designing the New Children’s Hospital.”
The Verdict:
Definitely Wonderful- The hospital is due to put into operation during 2018. I cannot wait to visit it!
Each week, I scour the internet for something weird or wonderful that has happened in travel land. if you come across anything weird or wonderful that I should be mentioning, please let me know! My Twitter handle is martinjcowling
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