I love a train ride!

I am taking The Overland from Melbourne to Adelaide in Australia nexy Thursday. This is a 828 kilometre trip – about 500 miles. These two capitals are almost twice the distance as the Eurostar which is 495km, just over 308 miles. The Overland takes about nine hours to do its journey and Eurostar 2.25 hours!   It is a long slow trip with great scenery, a nice dining/lounge car. I plug my laptop into the onboard power, fire up my 3G internet card and I can work and play all the way!


The train started originated as the Intercolonial Express when the Victorian Railways Western Line was extended to the South Australian Railways line at Serviceton on the state’s borders. In 1887 it became the “Adelaide Express”[1] and  in 1926 The Overland.

It is one of my favourite train trips in the world -but I do have a lot of favourites after riding the rails on every continent (except Antarctica)! These would include TranzAlpine in New Zealand, The Indian Pacific in Australia, Sacramento -San Francisco, Eurostar, any train through Switzerland, the TGV down to Lyon from Paris and the Acela on the US East Coast.

Any favourite trains?


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