
  1. I had a good friend who was in his late 70s who had spent most of his earlier decades looking after his 4 kids as a single dad. Finally he was free to do what he liked and started to travel and do all sorts of things he hadn’t been able to do before.He was very fit (that year he bungee-jumped, jumped out of a plane & climbed Macchu Picchu). He had a trip to see his relatives in UK booked. Only a week before he was to leave he walked across the road to buy a packet of teabags. On the footpath he was hit by a driver (texting) and is now in a nursing home with brain damage after nine painful months repairing the physical problems. At least he had done some amazing things, but as you say, if you want to do it, do it asap, don’t put it off. Who knows what each day will bring? You wouldn’t think going to the shop for teabags would be dangerous, would you?

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