What do these people and Turkish Airlines have in common?
Left to right:
- Casey Neistat, You Tuber
- Ben Stiller, actor
- Colin Kaepernick, American football quarterback
- Juanpa Zarita, YouTuber
- Jerome Jarre, entrepreneur and Social Media Star
You may have heard about the fascinating campaign they have all participated in which has raised two million dollars for food for Somalia and organised a plane to get the food there.
Somalia has had a civil war running for 26 years. With a per capita GDP sitting at $274, it is one of the poorest and most tragic of failed states. This year the African country has been gripped by a devastating drought that has killed livestock and caused rivers and wells to dry up and crops to fail. Six million people are at risk of starving to death.

On 15th March, a campaign began to persuade Turkish Airlines to donate a plane to fly aid to the country with the hashtag:#TurkishAirlinesHelpSomalia.
Turkish Airlines were chosen because they are one of the only airlines with scheduled service into the country. The other airlines serving Somalia are Daallo Airlines, Jubba Airways and African Express Airways. None of these small airlines have the logistics capability to handle a project like this. Turkish Airlkines do. To their credit Turkish came on board on 16th March.
They airline are making available a full cargo flight that can fly sixty tonnes of food, and will also ship food containers on their commercial aircraft until the end of the famine.
A Gofund me page has raised as mentioned over two million dollars to date with 76,000 people donating. The money is being distributed through the Stiller Foundation. This means accountability and US donors can get a tax deduction. The food will be distributed by the American Refugee Committee who already have a presence in Somalia.
The team are planning to use as much of the money to buy food locally and get people access to water for the short and long term. The first plane load departing Monday will be made up of a special product designed for malnourished babies.
I have contributed. I encourage you to support the campaign too at https://www.gofundme.com/LOVEARMYFORSOMALIA
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Great share and collaboration. Love it when people come together and do good in the world.