Why I Travel- and the my Travel Manifesto


HCMC (Saigon), Vietnam

I feel like I have spent all my life traveling! My childhood was quote nomadic with my formal education taking place in Scotland, Africa, the Middle East and Australia.


I am seated front left. If anyone is in contact with anyone in this photo, love to hear from them!

Today, I can recount that I have visited or lived in 78 countries. I can also claim to have  been to 46 US states and three territories (Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and Guam), every Australian state and most British counties.

Travel has brought me many memories, some very good friends on every continent and some defining life moments. How about you? We all travel for different reasons. What motivates you?


Why I travel

Whether it is for business or pleasure, I travel to:

  1. Learn…about myself, the world and other people IMG_4371
  2. Connect with others
  3. Leave a better planet

How I travel – My Manifesto: Real, Community  Focused, Fair and Sustainable

  1. Real: I eschew clinical sealed off tours and try to immerse myself in my destination: culture, the food and the people of my destination   This has included eating in some strange places and almost every type of meat eaten by humanity but did not include whale in Iceland. I participate in fun runs and charitable events in cities. I shop in local storesIMG_3454
  2. Community Focused:  the world is full of other people. Lets  treat  those we meet with respect, thank those who look after us and seek new friends. I volunteer where I can in communities as I travel. img_4283
  3. Fair: I aim to be as economical as possible, getting as much bang for my buck but I do not want to let this be at the expense of others. I am happy to be honest, pay a fair price,  be respectful of other’s labour and gifts and support local organisations and companies
  4. Sustainable: I aim to minimise my environmental impact paying for offsets, choosing trains over planes, avoiding un necessary wastes and carrying reusable water bottles and cutlery

How do you travel? Wherever life takes you in 2020- go well.

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