Running My Way through 2022

Last year, I ran and walked 3,879.3 km, about 2,410 miles. This is the equivalent of walking/running from:

➡ Madrid to Paris to Istanbul

➡ Sydney Circular Quay to Wollongong to Canberra to Adelaide’s Henley Beach to Perth’s City Beach

➡ Singapore to Bangkok to Hanoi to Yulan

a man smiling at camera
On Singapopre’s majestic rail corridor

I walked and ran across cities, parks, beaches, forests and mountains. With friends. With family. With strangers. And alone. In 17 countries. Thanks to my walking and running companions. No wonder, I feel tired at the start of 2023!! I had hoped to get to 4,044 km but I fell a little short. Along the way, thanks to friends across the world, I raised funds for:

➡ MS Research

➡ Support for isolated individuals

➡ Cancer Research and support

➡ Help restore sight to people with cataracts in developing nations

➡ Projects against family violence

Thank you to everyone who gave and supported for those things.

a landscape with trees and a river
Lakes District, England

a group of people standing on a hill looking at a beach
a man wearing a face mask
Bangkok Marathon

I can’t work out what goal to make for 2023 or if I just go goalless and see what emerges! What about you? Do you enjoy walking?

a view of a city from a hill
a woman walking on a beach
Devonshire, England

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