My Musings (Sundays)

Category Archives for My Musings (Sundays).

Non allocated Seating Dead?

In the early days of Low Cost Carriers, non allocated seating was the norm. With Ryanair’s announcement of allocated seating from February, 2014, there are few airlines that continue to offer it. Easyjet made the transition to alllocated seating last year. Jetstar did it in 2011. Air Asia followed on 2012. Southwest continue to offer it but their boarding system is now so complicated it may as well be a form of allocation! Now airlines (Low cost and full service) almost universally offer seat allocation on line. Some carriers charge a fee for advance seat…

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Lost in Transit

As I lined up to withdraw from an ATM at Singapire’s Changi airport, I became aware of a disturbance . An elderly Sikh gentleman was clearly struggling to use the machine. Firstly, he did not appear to know how to insert his card. A young couple behind him showed him this. Entering the pin stumped him next. Dressed simply, in sandals, open necked shirt and a wrap and clutching an ID card, atm card and some cash, he looked vulnerable and out of place in this vast bustling mega airport. At this point, some of…

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2013 Worst Airlines

I upset some people with my 2012 list of the worst airlines. One reader wrote “Sorry you have no idea what you’re talking about.” Another defended Tiger Airways which I would consider to be undefendable: “what is your problem!?! …tiger is alite! [sic – I think meaning elite] u r exhaggerating these airlines! these are not bad. do not listen to this person! they r provided wrong information!” I beg to disagree! Having now flown 985 times on 89 airlines, I have seen the best and worst of customer service, products and safety. My flights…

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My 58th country: Vietnam

Crossed the border into Vietnam making this nation the 58th I have been to in my life. The crossing was made smoother, thanks to Mekong Express Limousine Bus. They are easily the best coach operator in Cambodia and I would not use anyone else. It was one of the best land crossings I have ever experienced! My goal is to visit or live in 99 countries by the age of 70! This gives me an average of two new places per year to achieve that. Related posts I visit my 57th country/

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I visit Cambodia – my 57th country

A slow third class train trip through rural Thailand, followed by a tuk tuk ride and a walk across the Thai-Cambodian border got me into Cambodia. This is the 57th country I have been to. It is also the tenth Asian country I have visited (along with Brunei, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand). Over the next two weeks I will be travelling to Siam Reap and Pnom Penh in Cambodia plus Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, Hoi An, Hanoi and Ha Long in Vietnam.

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110 years today

On December 17, 1903, Orville Wright piloted the first powered aircraft six metres (20 feet) above Kitty Hawk, a wind-swept beach in North Carolina. The conditions were perfect for flight – high, consistent winds blowing from the north. At about 10:30am, Wright lay down on the plane’s wing surface and brought its engine to life. Five minutes later, he was airborne. The flight lasted 12 seconds and covered 120 feet. Three more flights were made that day with their plane: at 11 o’clock Will made the second trial at 1140am. The fourth and final flight…

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Chinese Students bridge culture gap

We’re not this alien ‘other’ group Four Chinese students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have set up their own YouTube channel called Channel C, to explain to Americans the key issues where Chinese students struggle to integrate into US culture. This can lead to many Chinese students feeling isolated. ,” Cecilia Miao, one of the channel’s founders, told the Wisconsin State Journal. “We should try to celebrate differences, not ignore it.” The students have worked to produce a series of entertaining and thought provoking video clips including: Why Chinese students don’t speak English? Why…

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Remembrance Day 2013

Lest we forget In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below.   We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields.   Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not…

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Thoughts with the Philippines

My thoughst to the people of the Philippines impacted by Super Typhoon Haiyan which slammed into  the country on Friday with a sustained windspeed of 278km/h (170mph).  The death toll sits at 1200 plus with some saying it may be 10, 000. The typhoon is now heading toward Northern Vietnam. The Red Cross/Red Crescent movement world wide is supporting the relief work. Donations can be made by Paypal, Credit Card or Bank Transfer.   Related Posts: Japan- One Year On          

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