
Tag Archives for culture.

Exploring the Heart of Malta

I had no idea that Malta was so a picturesque island with so many stunning landscapes and as rich a history it has. Valletta, the capital city, boasts more monuments per square mile than any other city globally, reflecting its history of conquests and control by the Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Greeks, French, English, Italians, Sicilians, Romans, and various other powers. This led to be declared a World Heritage City by UNESCO. Today half a million people call the 316km (200sq miles)that is Malta home making it the fifth most densely populated country on the planet. My…

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23 Tips to enjoy China Travel

Over one billion people call China home. Four of the top ten cities in the world are in China: Chongqing (30m), Shanghai (24m), Beijing and Guangzhou. Possessing some of the world’s oldest continuous history, tasty foods, interesting sites and diverse cities, China has emerged as a very popular destination. Last year, almost 150 million people travelled to China including myself.    Here is what I have learnt about China: You have to get a visa. Make sure you allow time and money to do it. Ensure you have all of your paperwork in order before applying for the…

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Coping with Culture Shock

Following on yesterday’s post on least favourite cities, many people in the comments described symptoms of “culture shock”. There are many places that I will visit that I will love the whole time you I am there -possibly with some minor with occasional irritants or discomforts. There are other occasions where we can experience irritation and frustration on a regular pattern.  People experiencing culture shock can appear angry, confused, frustrated or irritable. We cannot understand why people are enjoying the very things we are hating. These feelings will make us negative about our trip, the country…

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All about Feet and Travel

A little bit of an unusual post this week. This is an important one, however. Love your comments/feedback. Before Travel Consider what shoes you will need. Are you going to be sitting around the pool? Exploring cities on foot? Attending dinners and functions? Practice walking in your shoes before you travel. Wearing your new sneakers on day one of a Paris walk is not a good idea! In the air Don’t take your shoes off during take off and landing. Wear closed in shoes that will protect your feet if you need to evacuate Avoid…

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Chinese Students bridge culture gap

We’re not this alien ‘other’ group Four Chinese students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have set up their own YouTube channel called Channel C, to explain to Americans the key issues where Chinese students struggle to integrate into US culture. This can lead to many Chinese students feeling isolated. ,” Cecilia Miao, one of the channel’s founders, told the Wisconsin State Journal. “We should try to celebrate differences, not ignore it.” The students have worked to produce a series of entertaining and thought provoking video clips including: Why Chinese students don’t speak English? Why…

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