bh airlines

Tag Archives for bh airlines.

B & H: how not to market an airline

Would you fly an airline if you were told it’s financial situation was “alarming” and every new day at the airline is “distressing”? The CEO of B&H Airlines, Amir Jažić, told media in Sarajevo this week that “We are just waiting to see who will shut us down first”. He questioned how the airline would be able to function and for how long! These blunt words may not have encouraged passengers but they inspired the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina into action. Enver Bijedić, Minister for Transport and Communication, said on Thursday…

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Bosnian Airline back from brink

The national carrier of Bosnia and Herzegovina B&H Airlines was grounded last week for a 4.7 million US dollar debt owed to Austria’s Hypo Alpe Adria Bank. The airline began flying again on Wednesday 13th March after the bank unblocked the carrier’s accounts. This came after the Bosnia and and Herzegovina Federation’s Ministry for Transport and Communications provided government funds of $550,000 and promised to sell two ATR 72 aircraft. Most passengers were rerouted onto Croatia Airlines and Jat Airways during the grounding. In June last year, Turkish Airlines pulled out of a joint venture…

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