My busy travel schedule kicks off this month! This year, I will visit Brazil, China, Colombia, Finland, Japan, Nigeria, Norway, Panama, South Africa (first time!), Switzerland and the USA amongst a few other places.
January has included air and rail journeys through Malaysia and Thailand…

January included a stingray attack amidst a relaxing time in Krabi, my first flight with Batik Air, and completing all the rail routes in Malaysia and Thailand—every station, every line. Posts are coming this week.
I also crossed by foot from Malaysia into Thailand’s Deep South which was anything but routine. From a puzzled immigration officer who had never seen my visa before to the heavy military presence and the stark reality of entering one of Thailand’s most volatile regions, this journey was unlike any other. I was the only foreigner for miles, drawing curious stares and unexpected conversations. Was it risky? Maybe. Was it unforgettable? Absolutely. Full blog post coming next week—stay tuned!
Where are you travelling to, and What are you facing this month? Whatever it is, go well.

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