We Need a Holiday. WizzAir Flashmob Dance

Wizzair staff took advantage of downtime and an empty Budapest airport to remind us “we need a holiday“. Wizz Dance from WATER FILM GROUP on Vimeo. Budapest seems to be running less than half a dozen daily flights currently hence the very empty looking airport. Wizz are flyinga very small number of flights. All passengers must wear a face mask and cabin crew (as demonstrated) will wear masks and gloves throughout the entire flight. As for the song?  In the book The Complete Guide to Her Music Madonna, Rikky Rooksby states that “”Holiday’ is as…

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Russian Begpackers sent home from Indonesia

I have written previously about the phenomenon of “begpackers” where travelers find ways of earning money in their developing country destination through begging and/or busking. A Russian couple were videoed busking illegally at a market on Lombok island (Indonesia) two weeks ago. They reportedly told officials that they were street musicians who regularly travel around the world, and claimed that they were running out of money. A 29 year old man (MB), a 28-year-old woman (E), and their 2-year-old daughter (S), were taken into custody, as   “The activities of the three foreigners disrupted public…

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What to do with Virgin Australia

Once upon a time in 2000, Virgin entered the Australian airline market as a low cost carrier challenger. Months after its arrival, it found itself in a unique position as one of the country’s two main airlines (Ansett) collapsed in the wake of 11 September 2001. Qantas expanded to fill the vacuum left by Ansett. Virgin Blue nipped at their heels for over a decade. Qantas even started a new discount airline Jetstar in 2003, to take on Virgin in the low cost market. In 2010, Virgin Blue became Virgin Australia, repositioning itself as a…

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What is happening to Your Favourite Airline? [Updated]

Six months ago, the airline industry was facing a bumper year. While a small number of  airlines were struggling,  it seemed that most would do well. Take away  most of the global passengers because of COVID19, and we have already seen some airlines collapse  and we face losing more airlines. Governments have taken very different approaches to their airlines with some offering cash injections or loans with a variety of conditions, some offering nothing and some wanting to nationalise. Company by company, this is what is happening across the globe: Aegean-  March 26, Aegean Airlines…

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Three Million Infections

The next “milestone” has, sadly, been reached. It took from December to April to reach one million official infections. It then took 12 days to reach the grim milestone of  two million. The next million has also taken 12 days which suggests that the virus has been slowed down by the intense lockdowns we see globally. Three million people have in total been officially infected with COVD19. Sadly 208,468 have died. The good news is that 889,876 have recovered. The term recovery, for many, is a misnomer, however. It appears to be a long slow process…

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I’ve been to 80 countries- Here’s My Top Ten

Having been to so many amazing, wonderful places, whittling down my list to my top ten has taken quite a bit of work and thought. Out of all my 80  countries I have been to, there are just five I would never go back to again. I am  sometimes reluctant to share my favourites, because it can lead to a war of words on why I chose one place and not another! My criteria are based around culture, food, ease of travel, safety and peace, great nature and people. So with that caveat, here are…

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American Airlines Feel Good Video: You Are Why We fly

AA has a video to tug the heart strings pointing out that the most disruptive event n their 94 year history is upon them:  American Airlines:  You Are Why We Fly No mention that the only reason they are surviving this storm is because of a massive  $5.8 billion government fund injection.  Four billion is in the form of grants and the remaining $1.7 billion as a low-interest loan. The airline also plans to apply for a further $4.8 billion loan from The US Treasury Department. American is one of my least favourite airlines in …

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Rainy season arrives in Bangkok

It has not rained for months in Bangkok. After weeks of build up the #first #rains of the rainy season  hit this week. , In one day, the city received  13.9mm  (just over half an inch) with most of the rain falling in just two hours Humidity reached 97%. Having grown up for part of my life in Africa, there is a deep longing for those heavy rains. Makes me want to go run in them!  

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Two Million Official Infections

It took from December to April to reach one million official infections. It has taken 12 days to reach the grim milestone of  two million. Sadly 126,839 have died. May their memory be a blessing and may their loved ones know comfort.  The good news is 485,827 have recovered. Although recovery does not look pleasant for some. Stay safe. Virus Information WHO information on the virus CDC: People at Higher Risk Communication Resources for Travel Related Posts CoronaVirus- Health Info Country by Country One Million

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