
Tag Archives for Fitness.

Under Rated Spokane -16 Top Things for a Great Visit

Spokane: the city where half the people mispronounce it, and the other half can’t find it on a map. It’s located in eastern Washington and has a rich history in railroads and mining, along with a vibrant arts scene and stunning natural landscapes. With the Spokane River winding through the city, it combines historic architecture with contemporary development, creating a unique and intriguing place to explore. Home to 233,000, the city flies under the radar as a tourist destination. Yet, I have immensely enjoyed my visits there. It is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts,…

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Running the amazing Bloomsday, a favourite road race

“The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.” —John Bingham When I woke up on Sunday to the sound of rain, there was a moment of hesitation. Did I really want to run my eighth Lilac Bloomsday Run in Spokane, Washington in weather that looked as unforgiving as this?? It was 9°C /48°F, windy and pouring with rain. I struggled through the grey to walk down to join 30,000 at the starting lines. Spokane is a city in Eastern Washington that 231,133 people call home. The city…

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A Year of Walking Thailand

In 2021, my goal was to walk or run 2,400KM (1,440 miles) which is kind of a lot in a year! With lockdowns in Thailand (where I am based) shutting down pubs, clubs, restaurants, pools, gyms, beaches, parks and shops for most of the year there was little else to do but walk in 34 to 37 degrees Celsius (93 to 94 Fahrenheit). The result was I actually reached a record for me of 3212 kilometres Yes, I should have pushed to get to that magic 2000 miles! This is almost the same distance as…

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