Last month, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation revoked the licence of a pilot, flying for IndiGo, after she caused damage to an Airbus A320 by landing the plane on the nose wheel instead of the rear wheels. She was found to have forged papers to get her airline transport pilot licence. The DGCA then found two more pilots with forged qualifications flying passenger planes. Another reason, why I am nervous to fly in India. Give me Indian Railways every time!
Air Safety
Category Archives for Air Safety.
Braniff: Flying in the future
Have a look at this amazing video from the now defunct Branriff International. They revealed their image of what flying in the future would be like in the supersonic age. Its quite fun. There are some things that have happened but many that have not eg supersonic jet? electronic valet on board? What was it with people in the 1960s -they didnt want to do any walking? Did you see the onboard entertainment meant you could watch three films at once? When you have that as context you wonder how much of this contemporary video from…
Police confirm dead teen fell out of plane
The residents of Milton, Mssachusstes reported On November 15, 2010, reported hearing a loud “crashing noise” at around 9pm. The body of a 16 year old Delvonte Tisdale was found lying in the street at 930pm. The boy was found with massive injuries so a hit and run was suspected. he had no shirt and no shoes Authorities, however, could not explain how the boy had ended up so far from home and what had been done to him. The boy had been seen in North Carolina where he lived, at 130am that day. He had been missing…
Five Fun Safety Briefings
Today, I have chosen what i believe are the five most fun safety briefings in the sky. See what you think (below). First: a few comments about on board safety. I have flown 683 times. In that time, while I have had five scarey flights*, i have never been in an emergency. Air Travel is indeed a very safe way to travel. However, the time I am in an emergency, I want and need to know how to get off that plane alive-fast. So, it amazes me how many people sleep, chat or read…
Airports brace for ‘don’t touch my junk’ protests
From MSNBC: Travelers dismayed by airport body scans are headed to airports Wednesday with the makings of any good protest: handmade fliers, eye-catching placards, slogan-bearing T-shirts — and Scottish kilts. The loosely organized effort dubbed National Opt-Out Day hopes to highlight what some call unnecessarily intrusive security screenings. Others fear it will merely snarl pre-Thanksgiving airline operations on one of the busiest travel days of the year. If enough people opt for a pat-down rather than a body scan, security-line delays could quickly cascade . More than 40 million people plan to travel over the…
Is Qantas now unsafe?
Charlie: Ray, all airlines have crashed at one time or another, that doesn’t mean that they are not safe. Raymond: QANTAS. QANTAS never crashed. Charlie: QANTAS? Raymond: Never crashed. Charlie: Oh that’s gonna do me a lot of good because QANTAS doesn’t fly to Los Angeles out of Cincinnati, you have to get to Melbourne! Melbourne, Australia in order to get the plane that flies to Los Angeles! In those words from the movie “Rain Man”, Qantas was immortalised as the world’s safest airline. What was not strictly true was the “never crashed” statement. Qantas, which…
What 24 hours of flying looks like
This video represents all of the plane flights in a 24 hour period. Its fascinating to watch and makes me hope those air traffic controllers are having a good day! Enjoy! Have a look at the solid mass that is the USA at certain times of the day and the flights between Nth America and Europe. Notice the sparseness of North Africa for flying and what is going on in Asia. Below are my global flights for the World in my life!
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