
Tag Archives for Hotels.

Epic Asia Adventure: Four Countries, 16,000 Miles in June

June was a month with a lower number of flights compared to other months! Just eight flights across Australia and Asia for a total of 26,000km (16,000 miles). I spent time in Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney in Australia; Tokyo in Japan; and Vientiane, the capital of Laos. Here’s my month… Flights City Highlights Airline Experiences Five airlines took me around this month-fewer than the ten I flew with last month (May 2024) Chasing the neworld Dream: Two of my goals for 2024 are to Where did you find yourself in June, 2024? Related Posts

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Unveiling the Hidden Truth: Behind the Online Booking Sites

Following my phishing experience described last week, I was keen to understand more about the behemoths I was dealing with. I am one of those travellers who love today’s digitally connected world with its plethora of online booking agencies at my fingertips. I like being able to book your next adventure with a few clicks. Up to now, my experiences have largely been positive. My phishing experience has changed that!What many do not realise is that our online hotel and airfare booking agencies are owned by just a handful of mega-companies. In this blog…

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Three Airlines give points for AirBnB stays

I am a huge AirBNB fan both as guest and host (see below). I have stayed in AirBnBs in seven countries. Whilst there have been some very public battles between AirBNB and several cities, its expansion appears to continue unthwarted. In a study published this year, Skift suggested that ” hotels need not be too overly concerned about the threat of Airbnb on their bottom lines” I think it is significant that airlines are now giving points for AirBnbs booked through their sites. Delta has joined the club this week. Virgin America appears to have…

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Rethinking Hotel Clubs

I have a wallet full of Hotel Loyalty Clubs. I have a philosophy that if the program is free to join and I am going to be staying in the hotel anyway, I join. I then get my bright shiny cards and take them with me on the road.  In the USA in 2010, there were almost 2.1 billion Hotel membership cards floating around the wallets, pockets and drawers iof travellers. A study by Deloitte in the US with 4000 travellers found there that only eight per cent of travellers stayed loyal to one hotel brand. Of high frequency travelers, almost 42 percent…

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