
Tag Archives for Fundraising.

Under Rated Spokane -16 Top Things for a Great Visit

Spokane: the city where half the people mispronounce it, and the other half can’t find it on a map. It’s located in eastern Washington and has a rich history in railroads and mining, along with a vibrant arts scene and stunning natural landscapes. With the Spokane River winding through the city, it combines historic architecture with contemporary development, creating a unique and intriguing place to explore. Home to 233,000, the city flies under the radar as a tourist destination. Yet, I have immensely enjoyed my visits there. It is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts,…

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Running the amazing Bloomsday, a favourite road race

“The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.” —John Bingham When I woke up on Sunday to the sound of rain, there was a moment of hesitation. Did I really want to run my eighth Lilac Bloomsday Run in Spokane, Washington in weather that looked as unforgiving as this?? It was 9°C /48°F, windy and pouring with rain. I struggled through the grey to walk down to join 30,000 at the starting lines. Spokane is a city in Eastern Washington that 231,133 people call home. The city…

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Tarmac to Takeoff: A Blistering Hot Charity Run on Bangkok Airport’s New Runway 3

As the dawn broke last Sunday morning, 17th March 2024, I joined around 5000 runners for a charity run on Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport’s new Runway 3. In July, 2024 the airport will open this 4 kilometre (2.4 mile) new runway for active use on the western part of the airport, the same side as the main warehouse and the current western runway. The two existing runways presently handle 60 plane movements an hour. When Runway Three opens, the capacity will jump to 94 planes an hour. After some obligatory speeches, the 10km runners began their…

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Exploring the Heart of Malta

I had no idea that Malta was so a picturesque island with so many stunning landscapes and as rich a history it has. Valletta, the capital city, boasts more monuments per square mile than any other city globally, reflecting its history of conquests and control by the Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Greeks, French, English, Italians, Sicilians, Romans, and various other powers. This led to be declared a World Heritage City by UNESCO. Today half a million people call the 316km (200sq miles)that is Malta home making it the fifth most densely populated country on the planet. My…

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My 2019 Travel Plans -What are yours?

What are your travel plans for 2019? At this stage I plan to visit  15 countries across the Americas, Asia, Europe, the Pacific. . I plan to visit two new countries this year- probably the two will be in Eastern Europe. In Asia, I have plans to go to Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.There will be at least two diversions to Europe, one of which will involve Christmas markets! The Pacific will see me travel around Australia and New Zealand and across to the Americas. I have now flown 105 airlines. I…

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Would you wear this?

It may not look great but kawamura-ganjavian, a European architecture and design studio,  have claimed this device the “Ostrich Pillow” will help travellers counter the ill effects of jet lag on long-haul flights by enabling power naps “anytime, anywhere”. As you can see, the “pillow”  has a hole for a user’s head,  mouth hole designed to allow breathing  and two side holes for your hands,  if napping at a table for example, as illustrated below. Kawamura-Ganjavian, a Swiss-Spanish consortium behind the pillow say: “We have tried it in airports, trains, aeroplanes, libraries, at the office, on a sofa and even…

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