I am currently residing part of the year in a country with 40 million tourists a year, most of which come to the city I stay in. Some behave well and some horrify me! It’s been a fascinating learning journey being on the « other side » of the travel equation? Are you living in such a situation? What is it like for you? What do you wish visitors to your city knew about customs and behaviour?
Air NZ becomes Air AllBlacks in brilliant new safety video
I have been a huge fan of Air New Zealand safety videos and have run out of superlatives for their amazing productions over the years (with one exception). But lets face it, the Qantas safety video brings a tear to my eye and the Oman ones are cool too so I may just be a softie for a good air safety video presentation. Their newest one, launched this week and which apparently took nine months to make will be hard for Aussies, South Africans and French people to sit through as it hammers home the…
And Russia makes 77
I am filling in my globe with all of the countries, territories and regions I have visited. With the addition of Russia this week, I have made it to 77 countries. I only count a country if I have left the airport. So while, I have transited through Doha and Johannesburg airports, I do not include Qatar and South South Africa in my tally. I have been to about two thirds of the countries in both Asia and Europe and exactly half of all the nations in the Oceania region of the planet. African exploration…
I have now flown every One World member airline.
I wonder how many people have flown every one of the 13 One World alliance member airlines? After four flights across Russia with Siberia Airlines S7, I can now claim this milestone. In a previous post, I noted that I have also travelled on Air Berlin and Malev, two One World members that have now closed down. I also flew Aer Lingus prior to it leaving the alliance in 2007. Hoping that I get a certificate?! (I think not!). I have traveled in Economy (Coach) and Business with every current One World carrier with a…
Exciting travel times ahead!
We are now half way through the year! It has been a very busy full on year, for me! So far, in 2019, I have traveled to 19 cities in nine countries on eleven airlines, a couple of rail companies and bus companies. How about you? Where has the year taken you? Loved Auckland and Alice Springs, was fascinated by Beijing, chilled out in Chiang Mai (below) and walked myself silly in Hong Kong (above)! Ran at dawn in 90 degrees F (32 C) to raise funds for defibrillators, slept out all night at a…
Who has flown every One World Carrier?
I am curious to know how many people have flown at least one flight with every one of the 13 member carriers of the One World Airline alliance? There cannot be many fliers who have can claim to have checked off every One World Airline. As of now, I have now traveled with every One World airline except for S7. This alliance has taken me 37 times around the world, a a total of 1.5 million kilometres (968,000 miles). Altogether, that has been aboard 582 flights. From Hobart to Helsinki and Hawaii to Hong Kong…
737 MAXs take over employee car park
Extraordinary footage of Boeing 737 MAX planes grounded at Paine Field in Everett, Washington, USA, forty kilometers (25 miles) north of Seattle. The footage was taken by local TV network King5 in June 2019. Globally, there are approximately five hundred grounded 737 MAX’s and 100 of those are at The Boeing Company’s Renton, Washington Factory in southern Seattle. There are now so many 737 MAXs waiting that Boeing has started placing them in the employee car park. It must be a weird feeling driving into a car park to be confronted by a product that…
Eva vs Austrian Premium Economy Dilemma!
Found a great airfare between Europe and Austria with Eva, the Taiwanese five star airline for a seat in Premium Economy. Ticks a few boxes. Great value for money, a five star airline, a new carrier for me and Star Alliance for points earning. Oh and a cool looking amenity kit! I was close to booking this fare, when another Star Alliance carrier’s Premium Economy product popped up. This time it was Austrian for a price point much lower than Eva’s. They use older planes (often on a 767 – which I love). I hear…
50 years of Airbus…what is your favourite plane?
I belong to a special class of nerds that are actually fascinated by the different models of planes that ply our skies. If you do not share this “nerdishenss“, then you may want to skip this post! It is the fiftieth anniversary of Airbus Industrie, established as a government initiative between France, West Germany and the UK that originated in 1967. The name “Airbus” was used as it was acceptable to the French linguistically! This video captures a stunning tribute to all ten of the Airbus models Which model is your favourite? I will be…
Alice Springs Surrounds- a Central Australia Journey
Entering the Centre of Australia is like entering a whole new world. The landscapes are alien, the animal unusual, the flies relentless, the stars stunning and the visitors surprisingly few. When people think of the centre of Australia, they often only think of Uluru, regarded as the spiritual heart of the continent. I have had the privilege of visiting “The Rock” five times in my life. It is a is mind blowingly wonderful place. The town of Alice Springs, 500 kilometers from Uluru, is home to a number of impressive sights which I am exploring…
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