
Tag Archives for Malaysia.

Crossing a Border Few Dare to Walk—What Happened Next

“Bpai nai krub?” The immigration officer asked robotically as I handed over my passport. (Where are you going?) “Klap bahn krub,” I replied. “Bpai tee Krung Thep.” (I am going home, sir. To Bangkok.) My accent, coupled with my Australian passport, caught his attention. He looked up at me, momentarily surprised. Clearly, I was an anomaly—utterly different from the usual processing of Thai and Malaysian passports or border passes. I was the only non-Thai or non-Malay in the immigration hall. “Klap bahn, bpai tee Krung Thep?” he repeated, flipping through my passport.“Yes,” I confirmed in…

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Malaysia’s Jungle Railway: From the Heart of the Country to the Sea

The Jungle Line (Malaysian East Coast Railway) was one of the most stunning and enjoyable train rides ever! Time flew by, and I got off the train feeling like I had completed an adventure. Summary Yesterday, I outlined how to ride Malaysia’s rail system. The country has two main rail corridors, in addition to the rail network around Kuala Lumpur.The first, the West Coast railway (red line), connects most major Malaysian cities along the country’s western side. The other is the far less busy, much more remote “East Coast Railway” (blue line), which connects the…

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Flying Around the World for “Free”: A Frequent Flyer Adventure

Flying around the globe is the holy grail of travel. In August and September 2024, I flew 29,099 miles (46,622 km) around the world, mainly in Business Class. My aiming was to use frequent flyer points to cover most of the journey. Many people have been curious about how I managed it, so here we go… My journey started and finished in Sydney, Australia and took me to: Paying outright for a similar round-the-world itinerary in Business Class would have cost between $14,986 and $16,545 USD, not including taxes and fees. For Business Class tickets,…

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To the Authorities: Five Steps to Better Travel, Please

I shared last week about my 2023 travel experiences. As we look forward to 2024, there are five things that “those in charge” need to do to make travel markedly better. Treat Your Customers with Respect Too often, passengers are herded bewildered into long lines and then alternately shouted at or ignored. I believe this stress and the points above are helping to contribute to a lack of civility from passengers who push back at staff and each other. Can we send all staff globally to Tokyo Haneda or Singapore Changi Airport (pictured) to watch…

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One Amazing Travel Year: Countless Stories across 23 Countries, 60 Cities

Two main themes explain my 2023 travel adventures. The first was a massively serious checking-off bucket list of places and activities including a first visit to the Isle of Man and Malta, the White Cliffs of Dover, Canterbury Cathedral, Michalenegos’ Last Supper, and multiple museums. riding several heritage railways, seeing my Irish ancestors’ hometowns, watching several amazing shows across the world and visiting Concordes on display in three countries! I have now visited 87 countries (out of an ultimate goal of 99 )and reached 578 cities! The second theme was revisiting favourite haunts including Abu…

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I have now travelled to 84 countries!

In 2020 and 2021, I added no new countries to my “collection”. In 2022, I did a little catching up, visiting Timor Leste, Morocco, Qatar and Gibraltar! I had previously been to Doha Airport, but never gp off the plane. Check this link for a comprehensive look at the places I have visited. My overall goal is 99 countries, and I had hoped to add two new places each year until I get there. This means that goal is about nine years away! Between my flights and boat trips I have looped the earth around…

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Russian Begpackers sent home from Indonesia

I have written previously about the phenomenon of “begpackers” where travelers find ways of earning money in their developing country destination through begging and/or busking. A Russian couple were videoed busking illegally at a market on Lombok island (Indonesia) two weeks ago. They reportedly told officials that they were street musicians who regularly travel around the world, and claimed that they were running out of money. A 29 year old man (MB), a 28-year-old woman (E), and their 2-year-old daughter (S), were taken into custody, as   “The activities of the three foreigners disrupted public…

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And Russia makes 77

I am filling in my globe with all of the countries, territories and regions I have visited.  With the addition of Russia this week, I have made it to 77 countries. I only count a country if I have left the airport. So while, I have transited through Doha and Johannesburg airports, I do not include Qatar and  South South Africa in my tally. I have been to about two thirds of the countries in both Asia and Europe and exactly half of all the nations in the Oceania region of the planet. African exploration…

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Upgrading my Qantas experience-How I get Top Elite status in three round trips (almost)

I was sitting down to lunch a few years, with the family when my airline called to tell me my flight to Auckland was cancelled and I would miss my connection to Samoa. As a  result, I would get to my holiday  24 hours later than planned. The good news was if I could get to the airport within the hour they could get me into the earlier flight.  My brother in law drove me very quickly through Sydney streets to ensure I made this flight. Not only did Air New Zealand book me onto…

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Snug & Comfy Thai Sleeper train Surat Thani to HuaHin

Last month, I travelled by train, the 1,500 km (900 miles) km from Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia to Bangkok, the Capital of Thailand. Stopping off along the way, the six train trips took 25 hours 35 minutes and it cost me $US72. The longest section (by time) was from Surat Thani, the jumping off place for beautiful Koh Samui up to the lovely resort town of Hua Hin. I chose to ride this section in a brand new Chinese-built First Class sleeping car. Scheduled Departure: 23:57  Arrival:  06:26 – 6 hour 29 min ride Total distance: 300 miles / 1,671…

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